
January 24, 2010

I like to think deeply into things, as i’m sure we all do, I have heard on several occasions how people have suggested that life is merely an illusion so I let my mind wander on this idea…

The human thought process appears to be a complex one, and perhaps it is thought limitations that are preventing us from understanding who we truly all are. I have read that Hinduism relates very much to maya, which means illusion, so is there the possibility that there could be some truth to the question of whether life is just one big illusion?

What is this existence that we are living in? What is it that makes things real? Is it only when our senses experience them? The human being cannot see everything; for instance we do not see air, yet we know it is there. It then appears that it can also be feeling that makes things real. General awareness results in us understanding the ‘reality’ of things. But how real are theses things? We understand illusion to be a deception or an unexplainable, misleading perception of reality. Therefore how far can one go to confirm that the ‘life’ they are living is actually real?  But then again how can it possibly be believed that the people and the general environment surrounding us are not there…

If feeling and awareness aid us in interpreting this existence then how do we all know that what we as individuals experience is ok or correct? An example would be placing one hand in hot water and one in cold. Once removed and held at room temperature, each hand senses differently.

Looking for example at vision. A colour blind person sees colours differently from what a ‘normal’ person would see. But then what is defining what is right and wrong? There is no right and wrong. Animals also see/hear/generally sense the world differently to us. If so many individual species experience things differently then there really is no correct way for each living creature to perceive its surroundings out of its often short existence. What we see in our minds is what we believe. However many people are blessed enough to create vivd and realistic images purely in their brain, with a sense of proximity and colour. Where does the ability to do this originally stem from? Perhaps it is from what has already been experienced or perhaps it all links in with the question of how much of life is actually one big illusion?

Looking  even more at mindset, if there is somebody that an individual likes/or is attracted to, one will often overlook all the faults of that person. Counteracting this if somebody is not all that keen on a person then any bad things that are heard about them tend to be much more likely to be believed. Take politics for example, this continuously occurs.

Taking the blame happily…?

Following on from this and looking at ones own self. It tends to be very difficuilt for people to accept that they are in the wrong. It always seems to have to be blamed on the fault of other circumstances that made a wrong doing occur. The question is that why would anybody really want to do anything bad when they have been granted the chance to exist in whatever form this ‘life’ is. This suggests that there could well be a constant good and bad side to a human, continuously battling for control. Everybody can relate to this, as they can with the constant battle that we are all faced with for our entire lives. That is the battle of winning or loosing. Self preservation is something that comes naturally to all of us.

There are countless stories that relate to the illusion question. For example in Indian mythology which related specifically to fragments of imagination. There was one example where  a prince named Duryodhan gets deceived. He saw things that were not actually there, and did not see things that were actually there; yet he had perfect eyesight.

There have also been experiments carried out, such as that by Russel Targ and Keith Harary. Their experiements showed how people could describe in some circumstances what was going to happen half an hour before it actually happened. Does this mean that we all may have the ability if we want,  to project our minds to the future? I once read a book that was based around the idea of cosmic ordering, suggesting that if you think positively and tell the universe what you would like to happen then it will indeed happen. I am very much a believer of this.

Science explains to us that the entire Universe is made up of atoms, which are basically electrical sub-particles such as electrons and protons etc, which are arranged into a particular fashion. I often wonder what actually controls these atoms. If you think deeply about it, it actually all becomes quite scary. If our minds are creating the things we see, how could everybody possibly witness the same thing? Perhaps our minds are connected to a place from which these images are being projected.

Life is one big dream

What truly astonishes me is the things that I dream. I often see things in my dreams and they then come true. I have even had beloved family members who I have lost appear in dreams, and it all seemed so real – perhaps it was. Yes some things are linked into dreams that have occurred from a previous day etc, but often there appears to be no link – that is for myself anyway. What I cannot work out is how I can have a dream, and then within the next day or so that event actually happens, or even more extreme the exact same thing happens in terms of down to even the fine details. It is all a mystery, but personally I feel that is shows there is something much more to what we see as being ‘life’. Perhaps this is merely the beginning.

The dream situation also links in with the concept of ghosts and poltergeists. It tends to be a phenomenon that people are great believers of, or think it is all nonsense.  The fact is that I hear of so many experiences with theses paranormal beings I honestly wonder how it could not be true that there are other spirits/life forms out there that we are either not intelligent enough to appreciate or simply have not used our  brains enough to have the ability to become aware of their existence. If we are all believers then maybe this would mean that we would get a chance to continue after this life.

If you consider it further and suggest that reality is that which exists after we stop believing, would that mean that we were never actually here? If everything was purely physical there would be no way of ascertaining this. Consciousness really is not that physical when you think about it, it is very possible that consciousness could transcend both space and time, and onto eternity, with every living creature being stuck with some abstract illusion. It can be understood that both time and space are born of the moment, therefore the moment which, is where conciousness resides, transcends both space and time. So that moment is here, now and everywhere. What should also be remembered is that one of the most important aspects to life is that of love, and love is something that I imagine many would agree is one of the ultimate meanings of life, and the reason that we are placed here.

We have only just begun…a deeper existance

No matter what science suggests, there can never really be one provable reality. Being human does not mean that we have reached the be all and end all of what is is to ‘be’. An animal without language ‘exists’ even though the concept of existing is a human trait. The illusion concept that is found globally throughought our world in mystic traditions must have some element of truth – that is of course whatever ‘truth’ may actually be.

The universe is so complex and so very miraculous that we may well believe it to all be an illusion, and it could well be. This is a question that will most probably never be answered. Perhaps it is a vast super intelligence of a supercomputer that ultimately will end all supercomputers or  perhaps our brains mathmatically contstruct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension – that being a deeper existence.