CHURCH turns out hundreds in a drunken state and wearing fancy dress

October 11, 2009


Some 'Church' goers

I was exceptionally pleased with myself after being accepted into one of the top casting agencies in London today. To take a nice easy stroll along the London streets on a Sunday afternoon when you are pleased with yourself always seems to be a little different and more enjoyable than doing so in the week days when there is the never ending rush of people whose lives are so crammed with business that they have not a second to spare. There is no such thing as an easy stroll to be had – you are dragged in with the frantic flow. I was thoroughly enjoying my Sunday stroll in Kentish Town when I was all of a sudden confronted with what seemed like thousands of people dressed in outfits which ranged from togas to toads. You name it, the outfit was there.

In shock I immediately stopped and observed, only to notice how it seemed that these people were in no sober state – staggering, giggling, and sitting down with eyes appearing heavy. I was beginning to question my own sanity – was I really seeing this extraordinary sight before me at 16.00h on a Sunday? I couldn’t resist, I had to to do some further investigations.

30 years of Sunday Church drunkenness

I pounced on a few passer byes who could only manage to tell me that they had “just been to Church” before they carried on their journey in a wobbly line along the pavement. This confused me even more and after much persistence I eventually began to make sense of the situation. I came across some individuals who were slightly more coherent than the majority which is where I was told that ‘Church‘ is actually a club of which you attend at mid-day on a Sunday, and that it has been a success for thirty years. People ‘religiously’ as it were turn up early on a Sunday morning to continue with their weekend drinking antics. Sunday really is no longer a day of rest.

I am sure than this club must create some considerable controversy, is it mocking the people that attend a religious establishment on a weekly basis to worship their God, and is it encouraging the much spoken about subject of binge drinking? There are many questions that arise, of which I do not have the time to go in to at this present time. What I will point out however is that from my observations, everybody although drunk appeared to be in a rather relaxed state and there was no evidence of Loutish behavior.

It was as though although these individuals were under the influence of alcohol they had more respect for the streets that they were walking down and the people that they were passing than what they would do at two o’clock in the morning.

The affect on the locals

I decided to head into a pub within close proximity to the club to gain an opinion from some of the locals. I assumed that there must be some negative feelings regarding ‘Church’ floating around Kentish Town when hundreds of people dressed in outrageous costumes take over the streets each and every Sunday without fail. It came as quite the surprise to me to discover that the staff and locals were quite content with the situation. It was explained to me how ‘Church’ hire bouncers to protect the surrounding area before, during and after the clubbing hours to ensure that there is no wrong doing and that nobody is allowed in the pubs after 16.00h who have been to the venue.

“The bouncers line the streets and pub entrances, specifically encouraging the club goers to make their way onto the buses and tubes as quickly as possible” explained a bar attendant. The arrangement seemed too good to be true, and to my disbelief – it actually seemed to work; I would estimate that within just under an hour ninety percent of the crowds had disappeared.

‘Church’ certainly sounds quite the unique experience and something that I may consider trying so that I can attempt to understand the reasons for its immense success. It appears that the phrase ‘anything goes’ is the penultimate saying for Kentish Town, but then so it should be – it is one of the most fashion crazed locations in London. Perhaps I can supply a far more detailed and interesting insight into this unusual Sunday clubbing addiction sometime within the near future. For now I have decided to keep my opinions to a minimum. I shall keep you posted.

One Response to “CHURCH turns out hundreds in a drunken state and wearing fancy dress”

  1. hobo Says:

    I wonder if the name “Church” should be perhaps be altered to “booze up”, as when first reading the title “Church” one immediately ( Maybe wrongly ? ) envisages a religious connection to this happy Sunday carry on. It is very good that caring bouncers ensure that partygoers are placed on tubes and buses after their “Session”, but I would be interested to know why the title of “Church” is at the forefront. Most people envisage “Church” as a place of worship on a Sunday morning, or an occasion of a wedding or funeral………not, a cover uo for a binge drinking session!!!

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